Entrepreneurship 101


Students from non-entrepreneurship related study programs learn the fundamentals of entrepreneurship.

Target Group

Students from technical, scientific, or other non-entrepreneurship related programs who are interested in the topic of start-ups.

Short Description

With Entrepreneurship 101, RWTH offers students from non-entrepreneurship related programs the opportunity to acquire initial knowledge in the field of start-ups during their studies.


Entrepreneurship 101 begins with an introduction to the topic of start-ups, entrepreneurial thinking, and the prerequisites for successful entrepreneurship. Participants can then choose to focus on other entrepreneurial topics according to their interests.


All lectures are held exclusively online, allowing participants to choose how and when they wish to complete their lectures. Up to 10 micro-modules can be taken. For each micro-module successfully completed with an online exam, 1 ECTS credit can be earned. The flexibility in the number of ECTS allows participants to easily integrate this course into their respective curriculum.




Registration is via RWTHonline or by email with your student ID number.