Support for international founders in Aachen

The International Entrepreneurship Office (IEO) of RWTH Innovation supports international students who want to start their business in Aachen. We act as your personal assistant and guide you through the most critical steps in settling in Aachen and igniting your start-up.

Our offerings for you

  • We give you access to RWTH’s exclusive entrepreneurship support network (funding, events, mentors, co-working space and more)
  • We help you get settled in Aachen
  • We connect you with leading scientists at RWTH
  • We support you with your questions regarding intellectual property
  • and more...

I am an international student and want to start my business in Aachen – what kind of help can I get?

Especially for international founders, there are certain barriers and bureaucratic obstacles when starting a business in Germany. We support you together with our large partner network in overcoming these barriers and help you save time in the process of starting-up. Our tailored approach includes support in getting your visa, opening up your bank account, finding a place to live, finding office space, learning German, getting into valuable communities and building up your start-up network in Aachen.

Is the offer free?

The service of the IEO is free. It is an additional offer for international founders in the Ideation or Incubation Programm. We act as a facilitator for international start-ups in Aachen since we are convinced that a multicultural founder landscape is the key for a broad, innovative mindset, an exchange of ideas and eventually future cross-border activities.

Who is the target group?

We support all deep tech entrepreneurs who are willing to start their business in Aachen or expand their current business in the region of Aachen. Our offering addresses fully international as well as mixed start-up teams in the Ideation or Incubation Programm.

Who are our partners?

*The city of Aachen is represented by the departments of economy, science and Europe


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