Exzellenz Start-up Center.NRW

Building Europe's leading Tech-Incubator

Former NRW Minister Andreas Pinkwart presents the RWTH delegation in Düsseldorf with the notification of approval for inclusion in the "Excellence Start-up Center.NRW" programme.
Foto: Ralph Sondermann

Our vision is to build Europe's leading tech incubator at RWTH Aachen University and to establish entrepreneurial thinking and action as a central part of the RWTH culture. With the help of the "Excellence Start-up Center.NRW" initiative from the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy (MWIKE) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, RWTH was able to work out new ways to turn even more start-ups from Aachen into success stories in the future.

To this end, RWTH has received funding of 23 million euros from the ministry to implement its goals. The project phase is scheduled to run for five years (start: July 2019).

The RWTH's concept consists of a variety of measures: These include professionalising start-up advice, expanding individual support for founders, and networking with external supporters from the business community, such as business angels, venture capital funds, start-ups, companies, accelerators, as well as universities, research institutions and technology centres. This unique contact point is to become the largest incubator for entrepreneurship in Europe and at the same time serve to network start-up teams from all over Germany.

Funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
The funding provider is the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy.